Friday, 9 December 2011

Run Lola run review...this film is terrible....

Run Lola run was made in Germany on the 22nd of October 1998, by director Tom Tykwer (who is also the writer). The main storyline is about Lola trying to 100,000 Deutschmarks back to her boyfreind before he robs a supermarket. (of course, why wouldn't you rob anywhere else, a supermarket is such good place to rob.) Our teacher has sung this film's praises, but, in my opinion she's wrong. Unfortunately I don't have a single positive thing to say about this film, it was the most boring, repetitive, unimaginative film I have ever seen. It did not fill me with any emotions of even a little positivity. And I never will feel anything more about this film. Although this is just my opinion and you may think different but I thought it was terrible. Absolutely awful. The only unique thing about it was that every 'run' she took the people she encountered thier lives changed each time and the little animations to make the film go slightly faster and a little quirky. but the animations were poor and the 'runs' were repetitive. When she goes into the casino she chooses the number 20 twice which results in her winning in more than enough money, this connects to the fact that she has only 20 minutes to get to her boyfriend to stop him ruining his life. In conclusion, this film is not as complex as it seems and its moral story behind it (well, to me this is what I thought it was anyways...) is that you don't get another chance in life and the choices you make are important and make the right ones to avoid ruining yours and others lives.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Earthbound Report

Report on ‘Earthbound’ for Microsoft by Amber Foyster

Earthbound, the newest cult phenomena for the SNES has been beating our top selling game by miles and according to what I’ve found it’s because of the newest game play techniques and character designs. Earthbound uses oblique projection and the world is entirely seamless, and the main boss, Giygas, is based on the creators childhood, allowing the player to have an insight into his past life and to connect and get even more involved in the game.


On average 14-25 year olds have bought this game, due to its new game style and differing features. I asked a few people for their opinions on this game and the youngest said: ‘I like this game because it takes a fresh new look at traditional RPGs and makes itself stand out from the crowd.’ But most people where intrigued by the main antagonist, Giygas, and it made them even more excited for it and they wanted to find out more about the game itself, other than just playing it and completing it before their friends did.

Advertising techniques

The game itself was only advertised through magazine reviews and TV recommendations. It had no real advertising campaign, if people wanted to know about it, they would have to play it. In conclusion, Earthbound has attracted people through mystery and recommendations.

My 'vox pop'

This is my vox pop, my question was 'What would you do if I walked into your classroom wearing a pink dress with rainbow emitting light sabers?' I don't know why I asked this but it wasn't a yes or no question and it made people think about their answers and give a legitimate answer to my qusetion. I have also used a picture of a 'derp' (that means stupid) unicorn, because it related to my question. I also tried to get good sound quality by by keeping between -20 to -12 decibels and not holding the voice recorder too close or too far away and not moving to keep the sounds smooth and clear, and the sound is not the best but alas I treid and I hope you like it.

sounds powerpoint

Friday, 25 November 2011

an update on my acheivements of today....

....first of all I edited my original 2-D drawings and I added more features, like I made the balls bottom jaw fall off as it hits the ground and I made his facial expressions change as he fell to the floor, realising his imment fate and of course I added more blood. Then I made a pleistocene (sorry if its spelt wrong no one knew how to spell it and that is what word's spell check told me) ball and I made it bounce using the stretch and squash technique to create the illusion of it hitting the floor and bouncing (and as it hit the floor I made blood come out of it and I aslo made it tear apart at the end) to have a better effect and make it look good. And I used the same software, which was stop motion pro V7, and the same steps to make both the 2-D and 3-D videos, edited where and when I neede to to have the maximum effect and sleekness for each. But I didn't turn the lights on when I did the first 2-D recording, so I recorded it again hence the better quality second-half to my animation.

another ball dying...have fun!

 This ball dies most of my other videos something has to be morbid or weird...but thats me. enjoy!

This is an overkill....this video contains graphic voilence that some viewers may find distrubing

                                                the ball dies in a way thats most odd...

Friday, 18 November 2011

just afew print screens and photos of todays out come

What I have done today...

...well...I first of all I made myself a guide sheet, so I could make my animation along these guide lines, thus allowing me to plan out my animation and make the drawings easier to follow. I made 24 pictures in total, but unfortunately my ball bounces backwards...but that's ok I can tell people thats it's a magic ball that can bounce itself. I have also worked the equipment to make the animation, the first step was to open stop motion pro V7, then press file and then press new project, name it, and give it a shot name, then press the button with an image of a camera on it to take the picture, but before you must go on 'advanced settings' on the side tool bar and change the picture takeage to 2 frames per second, then you take a picture of each piece of paper, then click file, 'make movie' and change the video settings to Quicktime MOV and press ok, then I saved it and uploaded to my blog.

my ball goes backwards...

ha! my first real animation of a ball bouncing backwards...and its just for you. enjoy!

animation fundamentals

Friday, 11 November 2011

I think that the DVD as a whole is very good. The colour scheme works well for the doritos theme, and the layout was good but it could of been better. The scene selection and the extras are one menu which is a bit of a let down because the software we were using didn't comply with our requests to make three different menus, but we made do with what we had and the we got the DVD done. It could of been even better if we could add even more assets and had seperate menus to make it easier for the viewer to navigate around it. My original intentions were very different to our actual DVD. My original design was simple, but too complicated for the software to function with. My idea was a little person in a dinosaur hoodie, but the actual one was a blue and orange swirly background that was the same on each section and menu. Our time management seemed to work well because we got everything we needed to get done, done on time and to our fullest extent.

I reviewed three people on the interactivity of our DVD and this was their thoughts;

'I thought the DVD was interactive and easy enough to navigate because there weren't too many menus and the labels were clear. The little added extras were good too.'

'I enjoyed the colours and the pressing of buttons was what made it for me. The outtakes were good and the truth behind the doritos was funny'

' I liked the amount of assets added to make this DVD more exciting and fresh'

So, yeah this is what I thought of it and what three other people did. Knock yourself out.

Friday, 4 November 2011

What I did today

First of all I made an interview of me, kieran, connor and ben about how we made the advert, what difficulties we faced, how long it took to record and edit, wether we would do it again, wether we worked well as a team and what we thought of the film itself. And then me, ben and connor made a short video of me and ben arguing over wether or not you should have a favourite flavour or not. I also edited the film, added some sound effects and other things.

Friday, 14 October 2011

my space raiders powerpoint

Our video review

Our video has caused many stresses and awkward moments (luckily no arguements) but we managed, Kieran and I edited the video and we also starred, Ben downloaded the soundtracks (so did keiran) and starred too. I made the dinosaur hoodie and had the idea of the tricycle. Although the video was far too long Kieran was very good at the editing, we also converted the film into quicktime so the blog could handle the film, I had to use three computers before this would work for me but I suceeded. We also showed the film to a few of the teachers and they said it made sense, which was a major relief for us as this was one of the major problems we faced. We could improve our film by making it longer so we could have more time to elaborate on our story line so it could make sense to the audience because before it was too short and didn't quite make sense, but we worked with what we had and produced a well made film that is humourous and (if it involves Amber) random. We wanted to aim it at a younger audience baecause an olde raudience may not understand the humour we are trying to get across, probably between 12-16 (but don't feel ashamed if you're older and you like it)  but, anyways, we have spent alot of time and effort and managed to produce something to the deadline, even though it's not the best, it could of been better with more time, more resources (for the tricycle trailer and the doritos box) and the costumes (which I mostly made myself) and the sounds, but apart from that the editing and the acting was brilliant. I think personally, with what problems we faced, we handled it well and managed to produce a perfectly average advert in the time we were given. And with all of us making an input with the editing, filming, costume making, ideas and sharing all of the roles we have done well, but we could of improved it by perhaps making the advert story a little shorter and less elborate to make sure it makes sense to everyone. I think the music worked very well and worked well with the style and the theme, whereas the acting and cycling didn't work as well, but on the other hand the acting and camera angles did the advert a huge favour but the complex story line let it down because it diodn't make as much sense as it could of.

My doritos ad (the working version)

Finally it took long enough, but, finally it's here! Bask in it's almighty glory!

this is my first logo

This is my original logo the 'aloof' one.

My second logo

This is the 'shower gel shirt and dress' logo.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

My Logo answers

Q1) What product do you think is product is for?
Q2)If you saw this logo would you want to buy it?
Q3)how do you feel about the logo?

My logo mostly got called regal and aloof, My mum said it made her think of high quality clothing and she said it made her feel of a higher class, but I did a second logo and my step mum thought it would workwell for a shower gel, my dad thought it would good on a shirt or a dress and it seemed to have a ying and yang feel to it because of the oriental feel and how it linked to the elements of nature, water and fire. They thought they would recognise the logos if they saw it and they would want to buy the products as well.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

My Profile

Name: Amber
Last Name: Foyster
Age: 14
Date Of Birth: 09/01/97
Height: 5"7
Shoe Size: 8
Eye colour: Blue/Green
Hair Colour: Dark Blonde
Likes: Video Games, Drawing, Sleep, Zombies
Dislikes: Maths, Pink, Confrontation, Bananas
Favourite film(s): Insidious, Final Destination 5, Black Sheep, The Shining, Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbour Totoro, Porco Rosso
Least Favourite Film(s): Ghost, (Just All Romances I Hate.)
Hobbies: Zombies, Video Games, Drawing, Plotting Evil Ways To Eviscerate My Enemies
Favourite Holiday Destination: Japan (Never Been But Want To) ,Greece
Favourite Actor: None
Favourite Shop: 1-up Studios, The Rock Collection, J!nx
Least Favourite Shop: Hollister
Pets: 1 Boxer Named Sybil
Favourite Food: Chocolate Brownies, Sushi, Tapas, Squid, Octopus
Least Favourite Food: Meat
Favourite Toy: Fake Blood
Favourite TV Show: South Park, Top Gear, Robot Chicken, Metalocalyspe, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Simpsons, Futurama, Spongebob Squarepants, Adventure Time, Chowder, The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy, The Mighty Boosh, Death Note, Total Wipeout, Shooting Stars, The IT Crowd
Alias: Wibble, Pom Pom, Sir Digby Chicken Ceaser, Ghetsis, Bambooor
Favourite Music: CLASSIFIED
Favourite Smiley Face: :3