Friday 9 December 2011

Run Lola run review...this film is terrible....

Run Lola run was made in Germany on the 22nd of October 1998, by director Tom Tykwer (who is also the writer). The main storyline is about Lola trying to 100,000 Deutschmarks back to her boyfreind before he robs a supermarket. (of course, why wouldn't you rob anywhere else, a supermarket is such good place to rob.) Our teacher has sung this film's praises, but, in my opinion she's wrong. Unfortunately I don't have a single positive thing to say about this film, it was the most boring, repetitive, unimaginative film I have ever seen. It did not fill me with any emotions of even a little positivity. And I never will feel anything more about this film. Although this is just my opinion and you may think different but I thought it was terrible. Absolutely awful. The only unique thing about it was that every 'run' she took the people she encountered thier lives changed each time and the little animations to make the film go slightly faster and a little quirky. but the animations were poor and the 'runs' were repetitive. When she goes into the casino she chooses the number 20 twice which results in her winning in more than enough money, this connects to the fact that she has only 20 minutes to get to her boyfriend to stop him ruining his life. In conclusion, this film is not as complex as it seems and its moral story behind it (well, to me this is what I thought it was anyways...) is that you don't get another chance in life and the choices you make are important and make the right ones to avoid ruining yours and others lives.

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