Friday, 11 November 2011

I think that the DVD as a whole is very good. The colour scheme works well for the doritos theme, and the layout was good but it could of been better. The scene selection and the extras are one menu which is a bit of a let down because the software we were using didn't comply with our requests to make three different menus, but we made do with what we had and the we got the DVD done. It could of been even better if we could add even more assets and had seperate menus to make it easier for the viewer to navigate around it. My original intentions were very different to our actual DVD. My original design was simple, but too complicated for the software to function with. My idea was a little person in a dinosaur hoodie, but the actual one was a blue and orange swirly background that was the same on each section and menu. Our time management seemed to work well because we got everything we needed to get done, done on time and to our fullest extent.

I reviewed three people on the interactivity of our DVD and this was their thoughts;

'I thought the DVD was interactive and easy enough to navigate because there weren't too many menus and the labels were clear. The little added extras were good too.'

'I enjoyed the colours and the pressing of buttons was what made it for me. The outtakes were good and the truth behind the doritos was funny'

' I liked the amount of assets added to make this DVD more exciting and fresh'

So, yeah this is what I thought of it and what three other people did. Knock yourself out.