Friday 10 February 2012


Podcasting and Podcasts

A 'Podcast' is a form of audio broadcast on the internet availiable to download to MP3 or onto any other device that can accpet it, you can also subscribe to podcasts to get future episodes.. A download is something, anything you save to your computer from the internet. Although some have video too, well most of the podcasts I own are mostly vidoe but do class as a Podcast according to my Ipod. One of my personal favourite Podcasts is called 'The YoGPoD'' which is a series of comedy convosations and short animations. ANother I have found on the BBC radio 1 website is called 'Scotland outdoors' which consists of everything about the history and, obivously, the great outdoors of Scotland. And the third I will be analysing is called 'Private Peaceful' which, if you've, read the book, is based on the book and makes you feel like you are thete with the characters in this drama Podcast. All three of these Podcasts are very different from each other, neither of them relate to each other apart from the fact they are all Podcats. The YoGPoD (yes that is hows it's written) is aimed at younger people and the people of their own age, which is around 14-35 years old, whereas the other two are probably aimed at older more, sophisicated people, probably the age of about 40 and over. I think Scoptland outdoors and Private Peaceful are both aimed at the same sort of people, on the other hand the YoGPoD is aimed at a different group of people due to the differing content and language used. The YoGPoD is a comedy, due to the fact that the language isa very...different and humourous and the things they talk about is absurd and funny, my favourite Podcast by them is 'Teletubby post-apocalypse' and they talk about how teletubbies watch TV on each other and how you should treat them and other such things. Whereas Scotland outdoors is very different, because it's more cultural and natural due to the fact that they talk about the country side and the nature and everything that follows and other such things. The genre of Private Peaceful is historical and drama, because it is based in the first world war in the trenches but it follows a man's traumatic journey through the war in the trenches.

Friday 3 February 2012

Poem evaluation

My poem and sounds didn't go quite to plan as I couldn't retrieve or re-create the sounds I wanted to have orignally, but I made do with the resources I had and made something that could subsitute what I had planned. Miss Cooper liked it she said something slong the lines of it being 'beautiful' while others, not mentioning names, found it comical. I made it in adobe premier elements, I faded, over lapped, cut and removed sounds to cretae what I have posted. I think most of the sounds worked apart from the singing, so overall I'm happy with the result.

Poem sound thing

I recorded and made these sounds myself (yes that many times)

Smashing glass- in the tech department in a big plastic bucket-not using
Smashing glass-in the tech department in a big plastic bucket-not using
Smashing glass-in the tech department in a big plastic bucket-not using
Smashing glass-in the tech department in a big plastic bucket-not using
Smashing glass-in the tech department in a big plastic bucket-not using
Smashing glass-in the tech department in a big plastic bucket-not using
Smashing glass-in the tech department in a big plastic bucket-not using
Smashing glass-in the tech department in a big plastic bucket-not using
Smashing glass-in the tech department in a big plastic bucket-not using
Kicking table with my shoe-the table leg in A125A-not using
Kicking table with my shoe-the table leg in A125A-not using
Kicking table with my shoe-the table leg in A125A-not using
Kicking table with my shoe-the table leg in A125A-not using
Kicking table with my shoe-the table leg in A125A-not using
Scratching two rulers together-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Ripping paper-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Ripping paper-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Ripping paper-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Ripping paper-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Ripping paper-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Ripping paper-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Ripping paper-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Ripping paper-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Ripping paper-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Ripping paper-(obivious how I did that)-not using
Hissing-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Hissing-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Hissing-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Hissing-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Shouting where, where-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Sheep noise-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Bite noise-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Bite noise-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Bite noise-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Bite noise-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Bite noise-my vocal cords in A125A-not using
Hammering-kicking the table with my shoe in A125A-not using