Friday 27 April 2012

My idea thingy

To be honest there really wasn't much thought behind my character apart from, I've made snakes before and they seemed to work well, and perhaps the colours are sort of something to talk about, they are primary and kind of work...maybe. but apart from that it was just spontaneous.

This is Bob Mcsquiggleton, the miniature form of Emmet :3

Well, first of all the review of my video (this will be fun) personally, I hate this video, I hate how the mouth works, it doesn't look like it's talking what so ever, I wish I didn't make the head move as it does, I don't like how the smaller snake in the corner is disintegrating, another thing I would change, I also don't like how I made the snakes look, the colour scheme doesn't work with the nature of snakes, the personality doesn't match the colours, or the back ground, overall it just doesn't work. But I think how I made the video was perhaps effective, I was efficient with how I worked off my exposure sheet, quickly making progress and finishing a single sheet with precision, but also getting it done quickly. But I had to make it lean on a rock made of felt because it kept tipping and falling over as I tried to make it talk, but I propped it up and hid the tilt with felt and made it look like it was in the habit which was being portrayed by the image in the back ground.

Random people's reviews

I think that this video is one of the best and most creative videos that has been created in the class this year.

i think amber's animation is very unique, i really like it, i love the way how the eye comes out and the head spins around, i think she has made a great success!

I think amber's video is amazing in every possible way. the timing is perfect and the idea was creative

I love the animation, Amber took a simple script and created a really creative peice. Instead of editing out mistakes in the audio she used them to add to the character and made the animation more fun and interesting, its great!

Animation styles